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Donate to save Japanese children from abuse!  10$~ #childabuse

My name is Isshow Con.
I am a freelance writer living in Japan.

I’ve written many books on child abuse and social design.

In Japan, it has been increasing the number of child abuse consultations submitted to child guidance centers for over 30 years.

Moreover, this year when a pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) occurred, parents and children spend more time at home, and abuse consultations are increasing more than usual.

However, no politician has submitted to Parliament an emergency policy on child abuse prevention.

In fact, Japanese history has no culture of saving children from abuse.
Therefore, after World War II, the American occupation forces ordered the Japanese government to enact the Child Welfare Law.

At that time, ordinary Japanese people bought and sold their children and used forced labor as a matter of course.

In Japan, there is still no policy to stop parents from abusing their children.
Japan has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but has not yet made enough legislation to meet it.

The event "Make a New Policy to Stop Child Abuse" in Nagoya 2019

So, Japanese bureaucrats have been called by the United Nations and criticized by many other countries, which can be found on the United Nations website.

In light of this reality, I have been calling on Japanese citizens since 2018 to hold events to encourage politicians to create new policies to prevent child abuse.

And I've been trying to gather survivors who have been abused by their parents and create a chance for politicians to hear them directly.
That is the event "Make a New Policy to Stop Child Abuse!".

The event, which started at the University of Tokyo in 2018, was held at five locations in Japan in 2019.
It will be held at seven locations this year.
Local volunteers have begun preparations in each area.

Shizuoka 12/6

This event costs about 300,000 yen ($3,000) in one place.
At 8 locations, it costs 2.4 million yen ($24,000).
This is because there are costs such as venue usage fees, flyer production costs, and equipment purchase costs for infectious disease control.

Volunteer staff in each region are calling for donations online every day.
However, collecting about 300,000 yen ($3,000) is quite difficult.

So, as the director of this event, I am collecting donations to cover the deficit.
Even so, it is difficult to collect because there is no donation culture in Japan.

I would like to ask everyone in the world.

Could you please donate 1000yen ($10) from Paypal 
to save Japanese children from abuse as soon as possible?

in units of 1000 yen ($10)

In the video below, you can see the event in Osaka last year (click ).

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